SecondCentennial Sportsplex24057297
ThirdEllenton Ice and Sports Complex22853281
FourthKettering Adult FSC761793
FifthIce Chalet631578
SixthLloyd Center Ice Rink561268
SeventhCity of Shaker Heights44953
EighthGoggin Ice Arena42.51052.5
NinthOxnard Ice Skating Center401050
NinthIceland Sports Complex401050
11thLouisiana Figure Skating Club40949
12thSkokie Skatium33740
13thRoseville Skating Center27734
13thGolden Blades FSC28634
15thCarlson Ice Arena25833
16thThe Ice Park25631
17thChiller LLC22527
18thFredericksburg Ice Park20626
18thArkansas Skatium21526
20thIce Palace20525
20thSt. Peters RecPlex19625
20thPoint Mallard Ice Complex20525
23rdDr Pepper StarCenter- Plano16420
23rdPlymouth Ice Center16420
25thBay State Blades - Taunton14317
26thStephen C West8210
26thHamilton Center8210
29thUS Ice Sports Complex516
30thCottage Grove Ice Arena314
31stAnaheim ICE022