Calling All Coaches!
We look forward to welcoming you and your skaters to our 2025 ISI Winter Classic at the City of St Peters Rec-Plex.We will need all of you for judging as there will be many panels to fill. The panels are relatively short, usually only around an hour, give or take, so you can work around your skaters’ schedules.
How do I sign up?
You may use the Judge Panel Request form to select what panels will work the best for your schedule. Scan and attach your response to an email to If you choose to send a direct email without including the form, please include your name, ISI number, rink, certification level, and at least 4 panels you would be available to judge (No, you will not be assigned 4 panels!). (Please be sure you send PANEL numbers….NOT EVENT numbers- at national competitions, we fill panels, not warm-up groups). As a reminder, in order to judge, all coaches must have a current professional membership and have either taken a judge certification test after August 1, 2024, or taken and passed the 2024 Update Test.
The deadline to return your judge request form is Monday, January 27.
After January 27, the only way to receive a credential would be:
- Take a minimum of 2 panels as assignedby ISI
- Pay $100 for a coaching credential (see below)
What is a Coach Credential?
If you are not able to judge at this event but plan to put skaters on the ice, you will need to purchase a coaching credential for $100. You will need to fill out and return the Paid Coach Credential form to by Monday, January 27 if this is your situation. Please note: all coaches must be current professional members of ISI to purchase a Coach Credential.
Don’t forget, you must have a judge or coach credential to put skaters on the ice or access the hospitality room. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Music should be submitted in an mp3 or mp4 format no later than January 26, 2025.
It should be emailed to
When sending in your music, the subject line of the email should be Music for ISI Winter Classic 2025. All music must be labeled with the skater’s name (First & Last), Level, Event Name and Rink. (e.g. Jane Smith, Delta Freestyle, ABC Ice Rink or James Smith, Open Bronze Spotlight Lt Ent, Cool Ice Rink)
Any late music or music upload changes will be subject to a fee of $20, no exceptions.
Competitors must have available a backup copy either on a CD or on a cell phone and it must be immediately available rink side when the skater competes. If the phone does not have the standard round headset connector an appropriate adapter such as Apple Lightning connector or Samsung USB-C adapter is required to be attached. The phone should be presented to the music person with the file ready to play, phone in airplane mode, screen unlocked, and volume turned to maximum